Wednesday, 9 November 2022

Wheel Alignment vs. Tire Rotation: What Is The Difference?

Tire safety is an important part of driving efficiently. When you feel the vehicle is jiggling while driving, specifically after hitting a pothole, you may require scheduling the tire service. But while opting for tire services, your mechanics may ask whether you wish for wheel alignment or tire rotation.

So, to better understand these two things, you first need to understand the differences. Note down the differences to understand the type of service your car needs:

Jeep Certified Auto Repair Shop

An Introduction to Tire Rotation

Does your vehicle seem to shimmy from one side to another while driving? Well,it may need tire rotation services. Also called wheel balancing, it involves tire movements from one side to another or position to ensure even wear.

The vehicle’s tires wear while driving because they are the main point of contact with road surfaces. Tires undergo uneven wear because of the varying friction levels on either one. Note that uneven weight distribution might lead to uneven wear in the tire. So, if your jeep has to go through this service in Boca Raton, consult the jeep certified repair shop Boca Raton.

An Introduction to Wheel Alignment

You may require wheel alignment solutions when the car keeps drifting to a side while driving straight. It is the process of straightening the car to ensure they match up to the rear tires & steering.

As a matter of fact, wheel alignment issues may come about when the car hits a huge pothole while driving. And if you leave it untreated, the unaligned wheels may contribute to uneven tire wear or movement. As a result, it may affect the ability to steer. Or worse, in some cases, it affects the overall car’s performance.

So, Which one to choose?

You may decrease the wear & enhance fuel efficiency with the tire rotation. However, unaligned wheels must be fixed after the issue is discovered because it may result in severe damage to the vehicle.

To ensure safety while driving, it is time to bring your jeep to the Jeep certified repair shop Hollywood for tire checks.

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